The data in the table is given as:
ScoreScientific ContentQuality of Experiments
4Correctly and extensively applies knowledge and understanding of unit concepts (i.e, pH scale) to experimental designs and predictions.Experimental designs are clever and effectively test the hypotheses. Experimental conditions are carefully controlled and variables are correctly identified.
3Applies relevant knowledge and understanding of unit concepts (i.e, pH scale) to experimental designs and predictions.Experimental designs are logical and test the hypotheses. Experimental conditions are controlled and variables are correctly identified.
2Applies relevant knowledge and understanding of unit concepts (i.e, pH scale) incompletely to experimental designs and predictions.Experimental designs need some revisions –some parts are unclear or do not fully test the hypotheses. Variables and controls need correction.
1Does not correctly apply knowledge and understanding of unit concepts (i.e, pH scale) to experimental designs and predictions.Experiment designs are unclear and do not test the hypotheses. Variables and controls listed are incorrect or absent.