CHAPTER 4: Quick Study Guide

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  • Key British Legislation, 1764–1774
    Date Act Outcome
    1764 Sugar Act Although it reduced the tax on molasses, the Sugar Act was strictly enforced, so colonists ended up paying more taxes.
    1765 Stamp Act This tax on printed items was the first direct tax on the colonists. It added a fee to printed materials such as legal documents and newspapers.
    1765 Quartering Act Following the French and Indian War, Britain maintained a standing army in the colonies. This act required colonial assemblies to house and provision the soldiers.
    1766 Declaratory Act This act repealed the Stamp Act but asserted Parliament’s right to rule the colonies as it saw fit.
    1767 Townshend Acts Import taxes on a variety of goods were collected to support royal officials in the colonies, removing the responsibility from the colonial assemblies. They were so unpopular that all the taxes were repealed, except the one on tea.
    1773 Tea Act This act was created to save the East India Tea Company. Although it lowered the price of tea, it gave the company a monopoly and threatened the business of colonial importers.
    1774 Intolerable Acts Officially called the Coercive Acts, these laws were meant to force Massachusetts to pay for the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party. The laws closed Boston Harbor and forced colonists to house British soldiers in their homes.
  • Major Events of the American Revolution
    Date Major Turning Point
    1774 September 5, First Continental Congress meets
    1775 April 19, Battles of Lexington and Concord May 10, Second Continental Congress meets June 17, Battle of Bunker Hill
    1776 January 9, Paine publishes Common Sense July 4, Declaration of Independence
    1777 October 17, Patriots win at Saratoga
    Winter 1777–1778 Baron Von Steuben trains the Continental Army at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
    1778 February 6, France signs an alliance with the United States
    1780 May, General Clinton captures 3,000 Patriot soldiers as he takes Charleston, South Carolina
    1781 October 19, Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
    1783 September 3, Treaty of Paris signed

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall: United States History CHAPTER 1 Many Cultures Meet (Prehistory–1550) CHAPTER 2 Europeans Establish Colonies (1492–1752) CHAPTER 3 The American Colonies Take Shape (1607–1765) CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution (1765–1783) CHAPTER 5 Creating the Constitution (1781–1789) CHAPTER 6 The New Republic (1789–1816) CHAPTER 7 Nationalism and Sectionalism (1812–1855) CHAPTER 8 Religion and Reform (1812–1860) CHAPTER 9 Manifest Destiny (1800–1850) CHAPTER 10 The Union in Crisis (1846–1861) CHAPTER 11 The Civil War (1861–1865) CHAPTER 12 The Reconstruction Era (1865–1877) CHAPTER 13 The Triumph of Industry (1865–1914) CHAPTER 14 Immigration and Urbanization (1865–1914) CHAPTER 15 The South and West Transformed (1865–1900) CHAPTER 16 Issues of the Gilded Age (1877–1900) CHAPTER 17 The Progressive Era (1890–1920) CHAPTER 18 An Emerging World Power (1890–1917) CHAPTER 19 World War I and Beyond (1914–1920) CHAPTER 20 The Twenties (1919–1929) CHAPTER 21 The Great Depression (1928–1932) CHAPTER 22 The New Deal (1932–1941) CHAPTER 23 The Coming of War (1931–1942) CHAPTER 24 World War II (1941–1945) CHAPTER 25 The Cold War (1945–1960) CHAPTER 26 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety (1945–1960) CHAPTER 27 The Civil Rights Movement (1945–1975) CHAPTER 28 The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1960–1968) CHAPTER 29 The Vietnam War Era (1954–1975) CHAPTER 30 An Era of Protest and Change (1960–1980) CHAPTER 31 A Crisis in Confidence (1968–1980) CHAPTER 32 The Conservative Resurgence (1980–1993) CHAPTER 33 Into a New Century (1992–Today) Reflections: Enduring Issues Five Themes of Geography Profile of the Fifty States Atlas Presidents of the United States Economics Handbook Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court Documents of Our Nation English and Spanish Glossary Index Acknowledgments