SECTION 5: Constitutional Disputes and Crises

A portrait of John C. Calhoun.

◄ John C. Calhoun


Debate Over States’ Rights

In 1828, John C. Calhoun wrote an anonymous document in response to the high tariff Congress adopted that year. The tariff, known as the Tariff of Abominations to people in the South who adamantly opposed it, meant high prices for goods that southern planters needed.

“So partial are the effects of the [Tariff] system that its burdens are exclusively on one side and its benefits on the other. It imposes on the agricultural interest of the South…. That the manufacturing States … bear no share of the burden of the Tariff …”

—John C. Calhoun, South Carolina Exposition and Protest, 1828


  • Evaluate the significance of the debate over tariffs and the idea of nullification.
  • Summarize the key events of the conflict over the second Bank of the United States in the 1830s.
  • Analyze the political environment in the United States after Andrew Jackson.

Terms and People

  • Tariff of Abominations
  • John C. Calhoun
  • nullification
  • Whig


Reading Skill: Compare Fill in a table like the one below to compare the viewpoints of Jackson and Calhoun on the issue of nullification.

Andrew Jackson John C. Calhoun

Why It Matters Jackson’s presidency featured a number of conflicts and crises, and it helped bring about the formation of a rival political party. In spite of this, Jackson was able to secure the election of a handpicked successor. That administration was unable to survive its own crises and gave way to a Whig presidency. Section Focus Question: What major political issues emerged during the 1830s?

The Nullification Crisis

The protective tariffs had long been a topic of debate and discord in the United States. In general, the industrial North favored them, but the agricultural South disliked them.

In 1828, Congress adopted an especially high tariff. Southerners called it the Tariff of Abominations. This tariff had been designed by members of Congress not only to promote American industry but to embarrass President Adams and ensure a Jackson victory in that year’s presidential election. In fact, Adams did sign the tariff, though reluctantly, and it did help bring about his defeat in 1828.

Calhoun Champions Nullification

Jackson’s Vice President, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, violently opposed the tariff. During the War of 1812, he had been a strong nationalist. But his opinions changed after the the Missouri controversy of 1819 and 1820. This episode convinced him that the future of slavery, which he

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall: United States History CHAPTER 1 Many Cultures Meet (Prehistory–1550) CHAPTER 2 Europeans Establish Colonies (1492–1752) CHAPTER 3 The American Colonies Take Shape (1607–1765) CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution (1765–1783) CHAPTER 5 Creating the Constitution (1781–1789) CHAPTER 6 The New Republic (1789–1816) CHAPTER 7 Nationalism and Sectionalism (1812–1855) CHAPTER 8 Religion and Reform (1812–1860) CHAPTER 9 Manifest Destiny (1800–1850) CHAPTER 10 The Union in Crisis (1846–1861) CHAPTER 11 The Civil War (1861–1865) CHAPTER 12 The Reconstruction Era (1865–1877) CHAPTER 13 The Triumph of Industry (1865–1914) CHAPTER 14 Immigration and Urbanization (1865–1914) CHAPTER 15 The South and West Transformed (1865–1900) CHAPTER 16 Issues of the Gilded Age (1877–1900) CHAPTER 17 The Progressive Era (1890–1920) CHAPTER 18 An Emerging World Power (1890–1917) CHAPTER 19 World War I and Beyond (1914–1920) CHAPTER 20 The Twenties (1919–1929) CHAPTER 21 The Great Depression (1928–1932) CHAPTER 22 The New Deal (1932–1941) CHAPTER 23 The Coming of War (1931–1942) CHAPTER 24 World War II (1941–1945) CHAPTER 25 The Cold War (1945–1960) CHAPTER 26 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety (1945–1960) CHAPTER 27 The Civil Rights Movement (1945–1975) CHAPTER 28 The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1960–1968) CHAPTER 29 The Vietnam War Era (1954–1975) CHAPTER 30 An Era of Protest and Change (1960–1980) CHAPTER 31 A Crisis in Confidence (1968–1980) CHAPTER 32 The Conservative Resurgence (1980–1993) CHAPTER 33 Into a New Century (1992–Today) Reflections: Enduring Issues Five Themes of Geography Profile of the Fifty States Atlas Presidents of the United States Economics Handbook Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court Documents of Our Nation English and Spanish Glossary Index Acknowledgments