Prentice Hall Geometry

B Apply

  1. Think About a Plan If it is the night of your weekly basketball game, your family eats at your favorite restaurant. When your family eats at your favorite restaurant, you always get chicken fingers. If it is Tuesday, then it is the night of your weekly basketball game. How much do you pay for chicken fingers after your game? Use the specials board below to decide. Explain your reasoning.
    • How can you reorder and rewrite the sentences to help you?
    • How can you use the Law of Syllogism to answer the question?

    A specials sign lists Monday, salads $4.99; Tuesday, chicken fingers $5.99; Wednesday, burgers $6.99.

Beverages For Exercises 19–24, assume that the following statements are true.

  1. If Maria is drinking juice, then it is breakfast time.
  2. If it is lunchtime, then Kira is drinking milk and nothing else.
  3. If it is mealtime, then Curtis is drinking water and nothing else.
  4. If it is breakfast time, then Julio is drinking juice and nothing else.
  5. Maria is drinking juice.

Use only the information given above. For each statement, write must be true, may be true, or is not true. Explain your reasoning.

  1. Julio is drinking juice.
  2. Curtis is drinking water.
  3. Kira is drinking milk.
  4. Curtis is drinking juice.
  5. Maria is drinking water.
  6. Julio is drinking milk.
  7. Physics Quarks are subatomic particles identified by electric charge and rest energy. The table shows how to categorize quarks by their flavors. Show how the Law of Detachment and the table are used to identify the flavor of a quark with a charge of negative , 1 third , e  and rest energy 540 MeV.
    Rest Energy and Charge of Quarks
    Rest Energy (MeV) 360 360 1500 540 173,000 5000
    Electric Charge (e) plus , 2 thirds negative , 1 third plus , 2 thirds negative , 1 third plus , 2 thirds negative , 1 third
    Flavor Up Down Charmed Strange Top Bottom

Write the first statement as a conditional. If possible, use the Law of Detachment to make a conclusion. If it is not possible to make a conclusion, tell why.

  1. All national parks are interesting.

    Mammoth Cave is a national park.

  2. All squares are rectangles.

    ABCD is a square.

  3. The temperature is always above 32 degrees cap f  in Key West, Florida.

    The temperature is 62 degrees cap f , .

  4. Every high school student likes art.

    Ling likes art.

  5. Writing Give an example of a rule used in your school that could be written as a conditional. Explain how the Law of Detachment is used in applying that rule.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Geometry Chapter 1 Tools of Geometry Chapter 2 Reasoning and Proof Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles Chapter 5 Relationships Within Triangles Chapter 6 Polygons and Quadrilaterals Chapter 7 Similarity Chapter 8 Right Triangles and Trigonometry Chapter 9 Transformations Chapter 10 Area Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume Chapter 12 Circles Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments