Prentice Hall Geometry

11-6 Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres


To find the surface area and volume of a sphere

A Solve It problem demonstrates finding area of a sphere.
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In the Solve It, you considered the sizes of objects with circular cross sections.

A sphere is the set of all points in space equidistant from a given point called the center. A radius is a segment that has one endpoint at the center and the other endpoint on the sphere. A diameter is a segment passing through the center with endpoints on the sphere.

A sphere has line r from the center to one side. R is the length of the radius of the sphere.

Essential Understanding You can find the surface area and the volume of a sphere when you know its radius.

A sphere and planes intersect.
Image Long Description

A baseball can model a sphere. To approximate its surface area, you can take apart its covering. Each of the two pieces suggests a pair of circles with radius r, which is approximately the radius of the ball. The area of the four circles, 4 pi , r squared , comma  suggests the surface area of the ball.

An unfolded baseball has four circles, each with radius r and area pi r squared.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Geometry Chapter 1 Tools of Geometry Chapter 2 Reasoning and Proof Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles Chapter 5 Relationships Within Triangles Chapter 6 Polygons and Quadrilaterals Chapter 7 Similarity Chapter 8 Right Triangles and Trigonometry Chapter 9 Transformations Chapter 10 Area Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume Chapter 12 Circles Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments