Prentice Hall Geometry
  1. Writing Describe three ways to find the area of a regular hexagon if you know only the length of a side.
  2. Think About a Plan The surveyed lengths of two adjacent sides of a triangular plot of land are 80 yd and 150 yd. The angle between the sides is 67 degrees .  What is the area of the parcel of land to the nearest square yard?
    • Can you draw a diagram to represent the situation?
    • Which formula for the area of a triangle should you use?

Find the perimeter and area of each regular polygon to the nearest tenth.

  1. A triangle has radius 4 meters.
  2. A pentagon has radius 3 feet.
  3. An octagon has radius 10 meters.
  4. A 12-sides polygon has radius 1 mile.
  5. Architecture The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, is one of the world's largest office buildings. It is a regular pentagon, and the length of each of its sides is 921 ft. What is the area of land that the Pentagon covers to the nearest thousand square feet?
  6. What is the area of the triangle shown below?

    A triangle has an angle of 53 degrees opposite a side of 8 centimeters and an angle of 79 degrees opposite a side of 10 centimeters.

  7. The central angle of a regular polygon is 10 degrees .  The perimeter of the polygon is 108 cm. What is the area of the polygon?
  8. Replacement glass for energy-efficient windows costs dollars 5 slash f . t squared , .  About how much will you pay for replacement glass for a regular hexagonal window with a radius of 2 ft?
    1. $10.39
    2. $27.78
    3. $45.98
    4. $51.96

Regular polygons A and B are similar. Compare their areas.

  1. The apothem of Pentagon A equals the radius of Pentagon B.
  2. The length of a side of Hexagon A equals the radius of Hexagon B.
  3. The radius of Octagon A equals the apothem of Octagon B.
  4. The perimeter of Decagon A equals the length of a side of Decagon B.

    The polygons are regular polygons. Find the area of the shaded region.

  5. A shaded hexagon has a hexagon with radius 6 feet cut from the center, with 6 feet between the right vertices of the hexagons.
  6. A shaded square with radius 4 meters has a square cut from the top left quadrant.
  7. A shaded pentagon with sides 8 centimeters has a pentagon with sides 6 centimeters cut from its lower left corner.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Geometry Chapter 1 Tools of Geometry Chapter 2 Reasoning and Proof Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles Chapter 5 Relationships Within Triangles Chapter 6 Polygons and Quadrilaterals Chapter 7 Similarity Chapter 8 Right Triangles and Trigonometry Chapter 9 Transformations Chapter 10 Area Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume Chapter 12 Circles Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments