Prentice Hall Geometry
  1. The wheel of a compact car has a 25-in. diameter. The wheel of a pickup truck has a 31-in. diameter. To the nearest inch, how much farther does the pickup truck wheel travel in one revolution than the compact car wheel?

See Problem 4.

Find the length of each arc shown in red. Leave your answer in terms of pi .

  1. A circle has two radii, measuring 14 centimeters, with red arc between them 45 degrees.
  2. A circle with diameter 24 feet has a radius line with arc to right side of the diameter 60 degrees and the other arc to the left side of the diameter shaded red.
  3. A circle has two perpendicular radii measuring 18 meters, with the larger arc between them red.
  4. A circle with diameter 36 inches has a radius line with two arcs between it and the left side of the diameter, one measuring 30 degrees and the other shaded red.
  5. A circle with diameter 23 meters has one of the two arcs shaded red.
  6. A circle with radius 9 meters has two diameter lines, with one small arc between them 25 degrees and the other small arc between them shaded red.

B Apply

  1. Think About a Plan Nina designed a semicircular arch made of wrought iron for the top of a mall entrance. The nine segments between the two concentric semicircles are each 3 ft long. What is the total length of wrought iron used to make this structure? Round your answer to the nearest foot.
    • What do you know from the diagram?
    • What formula should you use to find the amount of wrought iron used in the semicircular arches?

A semicircular arch has ends 20 feet apart.

Find each indicated measure for circle dot o .

A circle with center O has diameters EH and FJ with arc JH 70 degrees, and radius OG bisecting angle FOH.

  1. m angle e o f
  2. m . modified e j h with frown above
  3. m , modified f h with frown above
  4. m angle f o g
  5. m . modified j e g with frown above
  6. m . modified h f j with frown above

  7. Pets A hamster wheel has a 7-in. diameter. How many feet will a hamster travel in 100 revolutions of the wheel?
  8. Traffic Five streets come together at a traffic circle, as shown below. The diameter of the circle traveled by a car is 200 ft. If traffic travels counterclockwise, what is the approximate distance from East St. to Neponset St.?

    A traffic circle has Neponset St. opposite Maple St. and Main St. opposite Rte. 1, with East St. between Rte. 1 and Maple. The angle between Rte. 1 and Neponset is a right angle and the angle between Maple and East is 40 degrees.

    1. 227 ft
    2. 244 ft
    3. 454 ft
    4. 488 ft
  9. Writing Describe two ways to find the arc length of a major arc if you are given the measure of the corresponding minor arc and the radius of the circle.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Geometry Chapter 1 Tools of Geometry Chapter 2 Reasoning and Proof Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles Chapter 5 Relationships Within Triangles Chapter 6 Polygons and Quadrilaterals Chapter 7 Similarity Chapter 8 Right Triangles and Trigonometry Chapter 9 Transformations Chapter 10 Area Chapter 11 Surface Area and Volume Chapter 12 Circles Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments