Prentice Hall Algebra 1

2 Pull It All Together

Anya says, “To solve these problems you will pull together many concepts and skills that you have studied about solving equations and working with rates and proportions.”

BIG idea Equivalence

You can represent an equation in many ways. Equivalent representations have the same solution as the original equation.

Task 1

The solution of the equation This equation in pictographs may be read as “(star times triangle) + heart = flower.” is shown. Use mathematical properties to explain your answers in each part below.

  1. Explain why you can subtract Here is a single heart. from each side in Step 2.
  2. Write another equation that is equivalent to This equation in pictographs may be read as “(star times triangle) + heart = flower.”. Justify your answer.

We work an equation in pictographs.
Image Long Description

BIG idea Solving Equations and Inequalities

You can use properties of numbers and equality to transform equations into equivalent, simpler equations and find solutions.

Task 2

Solve using two different methods. Explain which method you prefer to use.

  1. 24 equals , 2 thirds , x plus 12
  2. 0.5 open y plus 12 close equals negative 2.5 y minus 8
  3. fraction x minus 3 , over 5 end fraction . equals , fraction 3 x , over 7 end fraction

BIG idea Proportionality

In a proportional relationship, the ratios of two quantities are equal. You can use this relationship to describe similar figures, scale models, and rates.

Task 3

Solve. Show all your work and explain your steps.

A family rents a truck to move from Buffalo to Chicago. The rental has a base cost of $49.95, plus an additional cost of $1.19 per mile driven. The family also pays for gas, which costs $3.89 per gallon. The truck's average gas mileage is 18 miles per gallon. What is the total cost of the move? (Hint: Use the map to estimate the driving distance.)

A map shows that the family first drives from Buffalo to Cleveland, a distance of 175 miles. From Cleveland to Chicago is another 325 miles.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Foundations for Algebra Chapter 2 Solving Equations Chapter 3 Solving Inequalities Chapter 4 An Introduction to Functions Chapter 5 Linear Functions Chapter 6 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 7 Exponents and Exponential Functions Chapter 8 Polynomials and Factoring Chapter 9 Quadratic Functions and Equations Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Equations Chapter 11 Rational Expressions and Functions Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments