Prentice Hall Algebra 1

1-9 Patterns, Equations, and Graphs


To use tables, equations, and graphs to describe relationships

Darius says “You can use patterns to make predictions.”
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In the Solve It, you may have described the pattern using words. You can also use an equation or a graph to describe a pattern.

Essential Understanding Sometimes the value of one quantity can be found if you know the value of another. You can represent the relationship between the quantities in different ways, including tables, equations, and graphs.

You can use an equation with two variables to represent the relationship between two varying quantities. A solution of an equation with two variables x and y is any ordered pair (x, y) that makes the equation true.

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Foundations for Algebra Chapter 2 Solving Equations Chapter 3 Solving Inequalities Chapter 4 An Introduction to Functions Chapter 5 Linear Functions Chapter 6 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 7 Exponents and Exponential Functions Chapter 8 Polynomials and Factoring Chapter 9 Quadratic Functions and Equations Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Equations Chapter 11 Rational Expressions and Functions Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments