Prentice Hall Algebra 1

Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises

A Practice

See Problems 1 and 2.

Solve each inequality. Graph and check your solution.

  1. x over 5 , greater than or equal to negative 2
  2. w over 6 , less than 1
  3. 4 greater than , p over 8
  4. 1 less than or equal to negative , 5 fourths , y
  5. negative , v over 2 , greater than or equal to 1.5
  6. negative 3 less than , x over 3
  7. negative 7 less than or equal to , 7 thirds , x
  8. 8 greater than , 2 thirds , k
  9. 0 less than or equal to negative , 3 elevenths , m
  10. negative , 3 halves , b less than 6
  11. negative , 3 fourths , less than negative , 3 eighths , m
  12. negative 5 greater than or equal to negative , 5 ninths , y

See Problems 3 and 4.

Solve each inequality. Graph and check your solution.

  1. 3 m greater than or equal to 6
  2. 4 t less than negative 12
  3. negative 30 greater than negative 5 c
  4. negative 4 w less than or equal to 20
  5. 11 z greater than negative 33
  6. 56 less than negative 7 d
  7. 18 b less than or equal to negative 3
  8. negative 7 y greater than or equal to 17
  9. negative 5 h less than 65
  10. 8 t less than or equal to 64
  11. 63 greater than or equal to 7 q
  12. negative 12 x greater than 132

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Table of Contents

Prentice Hall Algebra 1 Chapter 1 Foundations for Algebra Chapter 2 Solving Equations Chapter 3 Solving Inequalities Chapter 4 An Introduction to Functions Chapter 5 Linear Functions Chapter 6 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 7 Exponents and Exponential Functions Chapter 8 Polynomials and Factoring Chapter 9 Quadratic Functions and Equations Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Equations Chapter 11 Rational Expressions and Functions Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability Skills Handbook Reference Visual Glossary Selected Answers Index Acknowledgments