Unit Project

Evolution Documentary

Have you ever flipped through the channels and stopped on a documentary that caught your eye? And before you knew it an hour had passed? Documentaries can be a great way to learn about fascinating topics. Imagine you are a TV producer and have been hired to produce a documentary on evolution for a public television station. Your target audience is the general public.

Your Task Write a script for a 5–10 minute segment of an evolution documentary and present it to your class.

Be sure to

  • discuss evidence for evolution by bringing in specific examples.

  • present the information clearly and in an engaging manner.

  • explain why the misconceptions listed below are not true:

  • 1) Evolution causes organisms to improve—life has gotten better over time.

  • 2) Evolution is not observable or testable.

  • 3) Gaps in the fossil record disprove evolution.

  • 4) Natural selection involves organisms “trying” to adapt.

  • 5) Natural selection is the only way that populations can change over time.

A girl films water animals.

Reflection Questions

  1. Score your documentary using the rubric below. What score did you give yourself?

  2. What did you do well in this project?

  3. What needs improvement?

  4. What do you think a member of the general public would learn from your documentary?

Assessment Rubric


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Table of Contents

Miller & Levine Biology UNIT 1 The Nature of Life UNIT 2 Ecology UNIT 3 Cells UNIT 4 Genetics UNIT 5 Evolution UNIT 6 From Microorganisms to Plants UNIT 7 Animals UNIT 8 The Human Body A Visual Guide to The Diversity of Life Appendices Glossary Index Credits