Nonvertebrate Chordates

A cladogram with the icon of 'Nonvertebrate Chordates' placed on it.


Tunicates are chordates named for the colorful tunic-like covering the adults have. As larvae, tunicates have all the characteristics of chordates, as well as bilateral symmetry, but as adults, they look very, very different.

Feeding and Digestion Filter feeders; tunicates—in most, water carrying food particles enters through an incurrent siphon; food is strained out in the pharynx and passed to the digestive system; lancelets—mucus in the pharynx catches food particles carried in by water, which are then carried into digestive tract

Circulation Closed; tunicates—heart pumps blood by “wringing out,” and flow periodically reverses direction; lancelets—no heart, but blood vessels pump blood through body in one direction

Respiration Tunicates—gas exchange occurs in the gills and across other body surfaces; lancelets—through pharynx and body surfaces

Excretion Tunicates—most through excurrent siphon; lancelets—flame cells in nephridia release water and nitrogenous wastes into the atrium and out through an opening called an atriopore

Response Cerebral ganglion, few specialized sensory organs; tunicates—sensory cells in and on the siphons and other internal surfaces help control the amount of water passing through the pharynx; lancelets—a pair of eyespots detect light

Movement Tunicates—free-swimming larvae, but most are stationary as adults; lancelets—no appendages: they move by contracting muscles paired on either side of the body

Reproduction Tunicates—most sexual and hermaphroditic with external fertilization, but some reproduce by budding; most have free-swimming tadpole-like larvae that metamorphose into adults; lancelets—sexual with external fertilization

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Table of Contents

Miller & Levine Biology UNIT 1 The Nature of Life UNIT 2 Ecology UNIT 3 Cells UNIT 4 Genetics UNIT 5 Evolution UNIT 6 From Microorganisms to Plants UNIT 7 Animals UNIT 8 The Human Body A Visual Guide to The Diversity of Life Appendices Glossary Index Credits