
A cladogram with the icon of 'frog' placed on it.

A marsupial frog.

Marsupial Frog

Feeding and Digestion Tadpoles—usually filter feeders or herbivores with long, coiled intestines to digest plant material; adults—carnivores with shorter intestines for processing meat

Circulation Double-loop system with three-chambered heart

Respiration Larvae breathe through skin and gills; most adult species have lungs, though a few use gills; lungless salamanders breathe through their mouth-cavity lining and skin.

Excretion Kidneys produce urine.

Response Well-developed nervous and sensory systems; organs include protective nictitating membrane over moveable eyes, tympanic membranes, lateral line system

Movement Larvae have tails; adults have limbs (except caecilians); some have specialized toes for climbing.

Reproduction Most lay eggs without shells that are fertilized externally; most undergo metamorphosis from aquatic tadpole larvae that breathe with gills to land-dwelling adults, which usually have lungs and limbs.

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Table of Contents

Miller & Levine Biology UNIT 1 The Nature of Life UNIT 2 Ecology UNIT 3 Cells UNIT 4 Genetics UNIT 5 Evolution UNIT 6 From Microorganisms to Plants UNIT 7 Animals UNIT 8 The Human Body A Visual Guide to The Diversity of Life Appendices Glossary Index Credits