Biology & Society

Should Student Athletes Be Tested for Steroids?

Until 1976, East Germany had never won an Olympic gold medal in women's swimming. That year, they won 13 out of the 14 gold medals awarded for swimming. Eventually, it was discovered that the young athletes had been given anabolic steroids without their knowledge.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of the hormone testosterone. They were originally developed to help treat men who could not produce enough of the hormone for normal growth and development. Because these drugs also make it easier for athletes to add muscle mass and recover from workouts, they are sometimes used illegally to improve performance.

In the early part of this century, steroid use emerged as a big controversy in professional baseball. Many people now think that steroid use by professional baseball players was not taken seriously. Legislators and parents argue that this lax attitude has led many young athletes to think that steroid use is acceptable.

Some student athletes use steroids hoping to improve their chance of playing either in college or professionally. However, steroids are not only illegal, they are dangerous. Decades after unknowingly being given steroids, many of the 1976 East German swimmers are suffering from the long-term effects of steroid use, such as tumors, liver disease, heart problems, infertility, and depression. Other, more short-term effects of steroid use include breast development in males, acne, and increased chance of ligament and tendon injury.

Due to the rising rate of steroid use, some states have enacted policies for testing student athletes. But the policies are often controversial.

A photograph of Kornelia Ender.

Kornelia Ender was a member of the East German swim team when some swimmers were given steroids without their knowledge. In 1976, she won four gold medals.


For Testing Student athletes who use steroids risk both their short- and long-term health. Although educating students about the risks of steroids is important, many students will ignore the risks and take their chances. Schools should help to protect these athletes. Also, athletes who do not use steroids should not have to compete against those who do.

Against Testing Steroid testing is more expensive than testing for other drugs, and many schools don't have the funds. Also, there are many ways to “fool” steroid tests, so the tests could be just a waste of money. Although the Supreme Court has ruled that drug testing of students is constitutional, some people still feel that testing violates their privacy rights.

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