
The basidiomycetes, or club fungi, are named for the basidium (buh SID ee um; plural: basidia). The basidium is a reproductive cell that resembles a club.

A cladogram of fungi kingdom with the icon of 'Basidiomycetes' highlighted.

Life Cycle Basidiomycetes undergo what is probably the most elaborate life cycle of all the fungi, shown below.

The life cycle of Basidiomycetes.

Diversity More than 26,000 species of basidiomycetes have been described, roughly a third of all known fungal species. Examples include the stinkhorn and fly agaric mushrooms shown on the previous page, and the shelf fungus and puffball at right.

An orange color shelf fungi grows on the tree trunk.

Shelf fungi (Polypore family) often grow on the sides of dead or dying trees.

A puffball releases its spores.

A puffball releases its spores.

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Table of Contents

Miller & Levine Biology UNIT 1 The Nature of Life UNIT 2 Ecology UNIT 3 Cells UNIT 4 Genetics UNIT 5 Evolution UNIT 6 From Microorganisms to Plants UNIT 7 Animals UNIT 8 The Human Body A Visual Guide to The Diversity of Life Appendices Glossary Index Credits