Build and Evaluate a Prototype

Once the team has chosen a design plan, the engineers build a prototype of the product. A prototype is a working model used to test a design. Engineers evaluate the prototype to see whether it works well, is easy to operate, is safe to use, and holds up to repeated use.

Think of your toy boat. What would the prototype be like? Of what materials would it be made? How would you test it?

Troubleshoot and Redesign

Few prototypes work perfectly, which is why they need to be tested. Once a design team has tested a prototype, the members analyze the results and identify any problems. The team then tries to troubleshoot, or fix the weaknesses in the design. For example, if your toy boat leaks or wobbles, the boat should be redesigned to eliminate those problems.

Communicate the Solution

A team needs to communicate the final design to the people who will manufacture the product. To do this, teams may use sketches, detailed drawings, computer simulations, and written descriptions.

A lady holding a prototype of toy boat.


You can use the technology design process to design and build a toy boat.

Research and Investigate

  1. Visit the library or go online to research toy boats.

  2. Investigate how a toy boat can be powered, including wind, rubber bands, or baking soda and vinegar.

  3. Brainstorm materials, shapes, and steering methods for your boat.

Design and Build

  1. Based on your research, design a toy boat that

    • is made of readily available materials

    • is no larger than 15 cm long and 10 cm wide

    • includes a power system, a rudder, and a cargo area

    • travels 2 meters in a straight line while carrying a load of 20 pennies

  2. Sketch your design and write a step-by-step plan for building your boat. After your teacher approves your plan, build your boat.

Evaluate and Redesign

  1. Test your boat, evaluate the results, and identify any technological design problems in your boat.

  2. Based on your evaluation, redesign your toy boat so it performs better.

  3. As a class, compare the test results for each boat. Choose the model that best meets the needs of the toy company.

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Table of Contents

Miller & Levine Biology UNIT 1 The Nature of Life UNIT 2 Ecology UNIT 3 Cells UNIT 4 Genetics UNIT 5 Evolution UNIT 6 From Microorganisms to Plants UNIT 7 Animals UNIT 8 The Human Body A Visual Guide to The Diversity of Life Appendices Glossary Index Credits