Conserving Energy Resources

Fossil fuel supplies may become increasingly scarce and expensive in the future. An important way to make these energy resources last longer is to use them more slowly. Energy resources can be conserved by reducing energy needs and by increasing the efficiency of energy use. Finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently is known as energy conservation.

It's easy to forget that the energy you use often comes at the expense of resources that are being used up forever. People can reduce the use of these resources by making energy-saving decisions, for example turning off lights when they are not being used. Because conventional cars consume an enormous amount of energy, the decisions that people make about transportation are very important. Walking or biking on short trips and carpooling can save considerable energy. Using mass transportation, such as the streetcar shown in Figure 19, can also reduce energy use.

Making appliances, cars, and even light bulbs more energy efficient is a way of reducing energy use while still enjoying its benefits. Much has already been done to make appliances more energy efficient. Light bulbs have been developed that provide superior lighting at a lower energy cost. The technology for further improvement, including more fuel-efficient cars, is already known in many cases. However, the initial cost of energy efficiency can be an obstacle for manufacturers and for consumers. Energy-efficient purchases often cost more initially, but can save money in fuel costs over time.

Figure 19 Mass transportation systems include buses, trains, and streetcars such as the one shown here. Inferring How can the use of mass transportation save energy?

Streetcars are a form of mass transportation that can be used to conserve energy resources.

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Table of Contents

Physical Science CHAPTER 1 Science Skills CHAPTER 2 Properties of Matter CHAPTER 3 States of Matter CHAPTER 4 Atomic Structure CHAPTER 5 The Periodic Table CHAPTER 6 Chemical Bonds CHAPTER 7 Chemical Reactions CHAPTER 8 Solutions, Acids, and Bases CHAPTER 9 Carbon Chemistry CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry CHAPTER 11 Motion CHAPTER 12 Forces and Motion CHAPTER 13 Forces in Fluids CHAPTER 14 Work, Power, and Machines CHAPTER 15 Energy CHAPTER 16 Thermal Energy and Heat CHAPTER 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound CHAPTER 18 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light CHAPTER 19 Optics CHAPTER 20 Electricity CHAPTER 21 Magnetism CHAPTER 22 Earth's Interior CHAPTER 23 Earth's Surface CHAPTER 24 Weather and Climate CHAPTER 25 The Solar System CHAPTER 26 Exploring the Universe Skills and Reference Handbook