Hubble also found that more-distant galaxies have greater red shifts. This larger shift means that distant galaxies are moving away from Earth faster than closer galaxies. This relationship, called Hubble's Law, says that the speed at which a galaxy is moving away is proportional to its distance from us. The most distant observed galaxies are moving away at more than 90 percent of the speed of light!

To visualize the movement of galaxies, imagine the dough for a loaf of raisin bread as it rises. The raisins represent individual galaxies or groups of galaxies, and the dough represents the universe. As shown in Figure 25, when the dough rises, the distance between raisins increases, but the raisins stay the same size. As the dough expands, the distance between raisins that are far apart increases more than the distance between nearby raisins. In the same way, the most distant galaxies are moving away from us more quickly.

The observed red shift in the spectra of galaxies shows that the universe is expanding. Like the dough between the raisins, the space between the galaxies is expanding in all directions, and the universe as a whole is becoming larger.

Figure 25 The raisins in this rising bread dough are all moving away from one another as the dough expands. In a similar way, galaxies move away from one another as the universe expands.

Diagram depicting how raisins in rising bread dough move away from one another as dough expands to compare how galaxies move as universe expands.

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Table of Contents

Physical Science CHAPTER 1 Science Skills CHAPTER 2 Properties of Matter CHAPTER 3 States of Matter CHAPTER 4 Atomic Structure CHAPTER 5 The Periodic Table CHAPTER 6 Chemical Bonds CHAPTER 7 Chemical Reactions CHAPTER 8 Solutions, Acids, and Bases CHAPTER 9 Carbon Chemistry CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry CHAPTER 11 Motion CHAPTER 12 Forces and Motion CHAPTER 13 Forces in Fluids CHAPTER 14 Work, Power, and Machines CHAPTER 15 Energy CHAPTER 16 Thermal Energy and Heat CHAPTER 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound CHAPTER 18 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light CHAPTER 19 Optics CHAPTER 20 Electricity CHAPTER 21 Magnetism CHAPTER 22 Earth's Interior CHAPTER 23 Earth's Surface CHAPTER 24 Weather and Climate CHAPTER 25 The Solar System CHAPTER 26 Exploring the Universe Skills and Reference Handbook