16.3 Using Heat

Steam locomotives were one of the most important early uses of the steam engine. Prior to the locomotive, steam engines provided power for coal mines and mills. But don't think that steam engines are only a thing of the past. In fact, most electric power plants today use steam turbines, a very efficient kind of steam engine.

Heat Engines

Heat engines played a key role in the development of the modern industrial world. The two main types of heat engines are the external combustion engine and the internal combustion engine.

External Combustion Engine

A steam engine is an external combustion engine—an engine that burns fuel outside the engine. Thomas Newcomen developed the first practical steam engine in 1712. His engine was used to pump water out of coal mines. In 1765, James Watt designed an engine that was more efficient, in part because it operated at a higher temperature.

Figure 11 shows one type of steam engine. Hot steam enters the cylinder on the right side. When the valve slides to the left, hot steam is trapped in the cylinder. The steam expands and cools as it pushes the piston to the left. Thus heat is converted into work. The piston moves back and forth as hot steam enters first on one side and then on the other side.

The parts of a steam engine in a labelled diagram. The engine has, in addition to spaces to let the hot steam in and exhaust steam out, the following areas: slide valve, valve, rod, piston rod, cylinder, and piston.

Figure 11 In an external combustion engine, combustion occurs outside of the engine.

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Table of Contents

Physical Science CHAPTER 1 Science Skills CHAPTER 2 Properties of Matter CHAPTER 3 States of Matter CHAPTER 4 Atomic Structure CHAPTER 5 The Periodic Table CHAPTER 6 Chemical Bonds CHAPTER 7 Chemical Reactions CHAPTER 8 Solutions, Acids, and Bases CHAPTER 9 Carbon Chemistry CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry CHAPTER 11 Motion CHAPTER 12 Forces and Motion CHAPTER 13 Forces in Fluids CHAPTER 14 Work, Power, and Machines CHAPTER 15 Energy CHAPTER 16 Thermal Energy and Heat CHAPTER 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound CHAPTER 18 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light CHAPTER 19 Optics CHAPTER 20 Electricity CHAPTER 21 Magnetism CHAPTER 22 Earth's Interior CHAPTER 23 Earth's Surface CHAPTER 24 Weather and Climate CHAPTER 25 The Solar System CHAPTER 26 Exploring the Universe Skills and Reference Handbook