Igneous Rock

An igneous rock is a rock that forms from magma. Magma is a mixture of molten rock and gases, including water vapor, which forms underground. Magma that flows out of volcanoes is called lava. Igneous rock forms when molten material cools and solidifies either inside Earth or at the surface. An igneous rock that forms underground from hardened magma is called an intrusive rock. An igneous rock that forms at Earth's surface is called an extrusive rock.

Extrusive rocks and intrusive rocks have differences in texture caused by differences in how the rocks formed. Intrusive rocks cool slowly underground, allowing their crystals to grow large. Large crystals give intrusive rocks a coarse-grained texture. Extrusive igneous rocks cool very quickly at the surface. Their crystals do not grow much before the rock cools. This gives extrusive rocks a fine-grained texture.

An igneous rock's color gives a clue to its mineral composition. The rock's composition depends on the composition of the magma from which it was formed. Magma that is rich in iron and magnesium produces rocks that are dark and dense, such as gabbro, an intrusive rock, and basalt, an extrusive rock. Some igneous rocks are less dense and lighter in color than basalt and gabbro. These rocks have a high silica content. One such rock is granite, a coarse-grained, intrusive rock.

Figure 15 Basalt is a fine-grained, extrusive rock. As this basalt cooled, the rock formed into hexagonal columns.

Hexagonal columns of basalt.  These hexagonal boulders are stacked on top of one another.  Two are shown with a hole in the middle.

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Table of Contents

Physical Science CHAPTER 1 Science Skills CHAPTER 2 Properties of Matter CHAPTER 3 States of Matter CHAPTER 4 Atomic Structure CHAPTER 5 The Periodic Table CHAPTER 6 Chemical Bonds CHAPTER 7 Chemical Reactions CHAPTER 8 Solutions, Acids, and Bases CHAPTER 9 Carbon Chemistry CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry CHAPTER 11 Motion CHAPTER 12 Forces and Motion CHAPTER 13 Forces in Fluids CHAPTER 14 Work, Power, and Machines CHAPTER 15 Energy CHAPTER 16 Thermal Energy and Heat CHAPTER 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound CHAPTER 18 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light CHAPTER 19 Optics CHAPTER 20 Electricity CHAPTER 21 Magnetism CHAPTER 22 Earth's Interior CHAPTER 23 Earth's Surface CHAPTER 24 Weather and Climate CHAPTER 25 The Solar System CHAPTER 26 Exploring the Universe Skills and Reference Handbook