
a looplike bend in a river formed when slow-moving water deposits sediment on the inside curve of the river (p. 716)

mechanical advantage

the number of times that a machine increases an input force (p. 421)

mechanical energy

the energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects (p. 450)

mechanical wave

a disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another (p. 500)

mechanical weathering

the process of physically breaking rock into smaller fragments (p. 710)


the material through which a wave travels (p. 500)

melting point

the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid (p. 47)


the lower portion of Earth's mantle (p. 662); the layer of Earth's atmosphere immediately above the stratosphere (p. 750)


elements that are good conductors of heat and electric current (p. 135)

metallic bond

the attraction between a metal cation and the shared electrons that surround it (p. 176)


elements with properties that fall between those of metals and nonmetals (p. 136)

metamorphic rock

rock that has been changed by temperature, pressure, or reactions with hot water (p. 674)


a chunk of rock that moves through the solar system (p. 797)


scientist who studies and tries to predict weather (p. 774)


an optical instrument that uses lenses to provide enlarged images of very small, near objects (p. 584)

mid-ocean ridge

a chain of underwater mountains (p. 678)


a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition (p. 665)


a false or distorted image (p. 548)


a representation of an object or event (p. 10)


the number of moles of a dissolved solute per liter of solution (p. 239)

molar mass

the mass of one mole of a substance (p. 196)


an amount of a substance that contains approximately 6.02 × 1023 particles of the substance (p. 195)


a neutral group of atoms that are joined together by one or more covalent bonds (p. 166)


the product of an object's mass and its velocity (p. 374)


a small organic molecule that joins with other monomers to form a polymer (p. 275)


a wind system that shows a seasonal reversal of direction (p. 759)


a relatively small natural body in space that revolves around a planet (p. 792)


mounds of till formed at the downhill end of a glacier and along its sides (p. 721)


neap tide

a tide at the first or last quarter moon, when there is the least change between daily high and low tides (p. 801)


an eye condition in which distant objects are blurry (p. 590)


a large cloud of gas and dust spread out over a large volume of space (p. 840)

net force

the overall force acting on an object after all the forces are combined (p. 357)

network solid

a solid in which all the atoms are linked by covalent bonds (p. 263)


a chemical reaction between an acid and a base (p. 244)


a neutral subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom (p. 109)

neutron star

the dense core left after a high-mass star has exploded as a supernova (p. 844)

newton (N)

the SI unit for force, equal to the force that causes a 1-kilogram mass to accelerate at a rate of 1 meter per second squared (1 N = 1 kg∙m/s2) (p. 357)

noble gases

the elements in Group 8A of the periodic table (p. 145)


a point on a standing wave that has no displacement from the rest position (p. 512)

nonlinear graph

a graph in which the displayed data form a curved line (p. 348)


elements that are poor conductors of heat and electric current (p. 136)

nonrenewable energy resource

a source of energy that exists in limited quantities and, once used, cannot be replaced except over the course of millions of years (p. 462)

nuclear energy

the energy stored in atomic nuclei (p. 452)

nuclear radiation

charged particles and electromagnetic waves that are emitted from the nuclei of radioisotopes (p. 293)

nucleic acid

a large, nitrogen-containing polymer, found mainly in the nuclei of cells (p. 279)


the dense, positively charged mass located in the center of an atom (p. 105)

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Table of Contents

Physical Science CHAPTER 1 Science Skills CHAPTER 2 Properties of Matter CHAPTER 3 States of Matter CHAPTER 4 Atomic Structure CHAPTER 5 The Periodic Table CHAPTER 6 Chemical Bonds CHAPTER 7 Chemical Reactions CHAPTER 8 Solutions, Acids, and Bases CHAPTER 9 Carbon Chemistry CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry CHAPTER 11 Motion CHAPTER 12 Forces and Motion CHAPTER 13 Forces in Fluids CHAPTER 14 Work, Power, and Machines CHAPTER 15 Energy CHAPTER 16 Thermal Energy and Heat CHAPTER 17 Mechanical Waves and Sound CHAPTER 18 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Light CHAPTER 19 Optics CHAPTER 20 Electricity CHAPTER 21 Magnetism CHAPTER 22 Earth's Interior CHAPTER 23 Earth's Surface CHAPTER 24 Weather and Climate CHAPTER 25 The Solar System CHAPTER 26 Exploring the Universe Skills and Reference Handbook